Promise of Justice Initiative and Voice of the Experienced advocate for an end to Jim Crow Juries at Equal Justice Task Force
PJI Deputy Director, Jamila Johnson, at the Equal Justice Taskforce meeting on November 30, 2021.
Promise of Justice Initiative and Voice of the Experienced—two organizations with seats on the Equal Justice Task Force (the “Task Force”)—have submitted recommendation to the Task Force to help the State of Louisiana heal after more than a century of Jim Crow injuries relating to non-unanimous jury verdicts. This recommendation is called the Justice and Truth Roadmap.
The Justice and Truth Roadmap is a common sense proposal that uses existing infrastructure in the Court system to address 1,500 unconstitutional convictions that have filled our prison system, while providing additional resources to stakeholders.
The Louisiana District Attorney Association (LDAA) have taken a position that doing nothing is sufficient. Their letter to the Task Force is available here.
The next Equal Justice Task Force will be meeting on February 10, 2022 at the Louisiana State Legislature, Committee Room 1 and 10 a.m. CT and the meeting will be public.